Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I am a procrastinator. If it is something I don't want to do... I avoid it until the last possible minute. (ie: I should be writing a Sociology paper this very minute)  I am also at war. Over desk space.  There is a stack of papers there, I know they are there... I don't care to go through them. I'm sure some could be thrown away. I don't mind. I'm putting it off until I feel like it. Maybe when we move will be a good time? Maybe when pigs go past my window, flappin their brand new wings? Who can know? The Mister keeps putting them out on the table and LEAVING them there.. I suppose as a hint, that he would like me to take my time to go through them. Not a word is said, just a little passive aggressiveness from one to another. I politely decline and put them back. EVERY day this happens.This has been going on for about THREE months. Guess what? At this point I've decided they are my favorite papers in the WHOLE world and  they will be there till the Good Lord Jesus comes back. That is all.  I'm jus sayin.


  1. My money is on you lady....hang in there... :-)

  2. Well, that's just amazing. We also have a 'stack' going back and forth between our built in bookshelves in the living room (MIKE'S stack) that I move daily. To his seat at the dinner table. And when he comes home, without a word, he moves them BACK to the bookshelf. And we, too, will continue this cycle until . . . . Well, pigs fly, I s'pose.

    You da best!
