Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Macs, Nuggets, and Ninjas...oh my..

     SIGH....Typical crazy life here today. The boys have gone NUTTY. Tyler tried to build a pool in the backyard but settled on a water slide. Every BIT of dirt in my yard, is now in the showers thanks to my darling boys. Chicken nuggets were the plan of the evening, because even though it's just one less for dinner, I didn't want to cook. Yes, I'm THAT mother.
 The boys wanted to be ninjas today.. so instead of telling them I didn't have time... I blew off everything else that needed to be done, and we played, we laughed, we smacked each other with pillows and mad ninja moves. Which translates to, stuff still to be done, baths still to be taken, beverages still to be CONSUMED.
I'm trying to figure out "Scarlett" the new computer. She is a Mac and thus completely different than anything I know. But in times like these. In day four of being on my own.. she is some lovely company. I still make her beep at the wrong times and some functions are a mystery.. but she is a darlin lady and we are going to get along just fine.
Anyways,  for some reason... today seems so much LONGER than a regular day. There are exactly the same amount of minutes today as there was yesterday. I CHECKED. And yet, I'm weary. I'm sure tomorrow everything that needs to be done will get accomplished. I'm sure that things will be studied, people will be appeased, laundry will get done. But in the meantime... I'm taking a moment to listen to the giggling little boys talking about how silly their momma is and I think there was a fart joke in there too somewheres... And, although I'm weary, and I'm overwhelmed with situations and underwhelmed with people... I am absolute in my faith that there may be no luckier momma than me. And for this lifetime, that's enough. Jus Sayin.

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