My Hair dryer died. Before you dismiss this as a paltry sadness, please know that I have had this hair dryer longer than my youngest child. It was a Chi, so as I recall it was expensive and it was perfect. It made ions go away or something and it made the drying time less and it was a miracle in a little black wind blowing machine. AND IT DIED. It did not warn me that it was no longer interested in working. It JUST QUIT. I felt betrayed but resigned to it's fate. It's had a rough life. I almost felt like it needed a special burial in the backyard...
Anyways, I had to go about the business of replacing it. They were far more expensive that I recalled. I also noticed that if I ordered it from the wrong place it didn't come with a warranty.. hmmmmm... So there came a point where I realized what store had it (approx 10 phone calls later) and made sure they had some in stock and headed up there. Unfortunately I had the Mister with me. I would NEVER choose to take that man to ANY beauty store EVER. I prefer to leave some mysteries unsolved and my hair care is best left up to his imagination and my credit card and THEN I SAW IT. There was a computer store nearby. PERFECT. It's like the god's were smiling on me. I sent him one way and I entered the STORE OF BEAUTY. I found her.. on a shelf.. like she was waiting for me. She was purple, green, silvery.. she had ions and speeds and promises of perfect hair and she was a SHIT TON of money.. so I looked at her. I checked her out from all sides. I checked the "Ion" reduction. I checked the 'Reduction of drying time" It was all there. She was just waiting to reach her final home. MY HOME. So I grabbed her. I hugged her much like a little girl would with her favorite dolly and I walked FORCEFULLY to the cash register.. (I picked up a few other things on the way, but let's be honest I was already in trouble ANYWAYS. In for a penny, in for a pound) And I got the final total. It was a TON. Like a lot. Like only a Chi can cost.. (especially one with all the pretty colors and the ion reduction etc..) And I KNEW it was worth it. Like wash my hair even if I didn't need to worth it. And I was HAPPY. Super JOYFUL.
However, the time to cross the street had come. Time to enter the computer store of BORING and hopefully ARTFULLY Dodge pricing questions. When I walked in I SAW IT. A computer system I knew we needed. The old one was ancient. The children were limping along on a pitiful thing called a computer... And then it happened. I convinced the Mister that we needed that new system and he forgot to ask me about how much my hair dryer was. And that is was I like to call a DIVERSION... And that's the way a pro does it ladies. Now here I sit.. with the worlds most perfect hair dryer.. and I know what I did.. I can admit it and I'm totally comfortable with it.. because I have IONS and SPEEDS and it's purply/silvery and it's lovely. Amen. I'm jus Sayin.
You are a true artisan..I am impressed!!
ReplyDeleteI bow to your expertise. I want to simply sit at your feet and learn, both your diversion techniques and your secrets for perfect hair! My poor brother never stood a chance!