I have been hammered over the head lately with the topic of beauty. Not in a fun way either. In a FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, get a grip already kind of way. It's been an interesting revelation and one that I find to be most awkward. However, it's got me thinking.. so here goes.
Beauty. What is it? People say it's in the eye of the beholder. Hmm.. Not sure I agree with that. Sure, someone that looks at you can perceive you in one way or another.. but What do YOU THINK ABOUT YOU? Isn't that more important? I have beautiful friends that all look differently. I have friends with purple hair. I have friends with small tattoos. I have friends with big tattoos. I have friends that are decidedly on the short side and friends that are most definitely on the tall side.The one thing they have in common... to me, is they are all unique in a special way that makes them... Beautiful.
People tend to see beauty in different ways. It's different for all of us isn't it?
There is nothing quite as beautiful (to me) when a son looks at their mom and thinks she's beautiful , she may have a blob of ketchup on her clothing and be wearing flip flops. To him, she is the world, the moon and the stars. There are days I feel so incredibly gross. Sad, bummed out.. fugly. And there are days where I feel fabulous and like I own it. I believe I'll chalk it up to my general FEMALENESS. We are all allowed to have our days, right?

I saw a saying the other day that said "Every woman needs to be told that she's beautiful until she believes it" I'm not sure I agree with that AT ALL. I think once you start listening to how others perceive you.. you give away some of your power to feel confident and beautiful on your own. I think we have our beauty within us and we all show it differently. Whether the style is flip flops or stilettos, it's about being comfortable in our own skin. Right? What is more beautiful than a woman who is comfortable in just being herself and owning it? I recently was accused of some very nasty vile things, but when I thought about it... when I really thought about it.. I remembered something amazing. I am me. It clearly infuriates them. I'm okay with that. I'll be happy. They can be miserable. As long as they keep their misery away from me. It's fine. Enjoy. Seems a soul sick way to be.. but I won't judge. Maybe that's the way some people need to see the world?
A unicorn.
When a woman compliments another woman, it's my very favorite kind of compliment. It's not about what they can do for each other, it's not about ulterior motives.. it's about a genuine appreciation for another person. Isn't our time better spent building each other up? To those that can't understand that? Well, maybe it's just because they have an ugly life complex. Or ugly shoes. Or ugly self esteem. Or an ugly SOUL. Meanwhile, I think I'll just choose to see the beauty in others, and depending on the day I may see it myself or I may not. (Because I have a lil something called BEING A WOMAN happening)
Rollin with Sparkles.
Soooo... I'll just be me and I'll own it, freckles and all. I have chicklets for teeth, a crooked smile, eyes the color of muddy lake water and a scar in the middle of my forehead.. because apparently at three I COULD NOT RESIST scratching at it. But, hey.. I'm me. I'll wear my make up and do my hair, (most days) because I enjoy it, and if I see you in shorts and flip flops.. well, thats beautiful to me, because thats who you are. In my humble opinion we should never try and be someone else to make others happy. We should just be us. Women. Because every woman is beautiful in her own way. . And for those that can't understand, please have the decency to just be bitter, hateful and soul sick to yourself and leave the rest of us ALONE. Meanwhile, in my humble opinion, we should all just be busy being the best original sparkly beautiful US we can be. Because why would we want to be anything else? Just my humble opinion. I'm Jus Sayin.
Sparkle shorts and McDonalds.