Thursday, February 17, 2011

An RC cola and a Moon Pie..

     It's beautiful tonight in Georgia. Ray Charles would have been suitable impressed. The moon is out and the temperature is NOT horrifying. I have this back porch. It has comfortable furniture and a beautiful view of the moon. Seriously, John Glenn could wink at me from there and I would be able to see it. It is silent in the Sharpstown tonight. Not a lot of noise, so maybe to make up for it.. my head is busy, busy, busy... I think perhaps sometimes it's nice to take a quiet moment ( there aren't many in our house) and think...about stuff.

     I have found myself missing my aunt Kathryn lately. She wasn't my blood aunt of course, she was just someone that loved me and watched over me. She was this hilarious, funny, spunky woman, and she died when I was around ten,  I think. I wonder if she would approve of me. I think she would be mildly horrified in my taste in music. Eminem and Maroon 5 would not have been her taste.  She definitely wouldn't like my style of furniture. I remember her house and it was ALL antiques and porcelain. I hope she would find me funny. I think she would adore my boys. It's odd, but on nights like this.. Georgia nights.. when I smell the just the right smells and I hear just the right sounds, I miss her just a little bit more. She was the SOUTH to me. When I see an RC cola and a Moon Pie..I think of her. As I ponder I have concluded that this state has some magic hidden in her.. when it starts to warm, and the night falls slower. It is a beautiful thing. I am Texas born but I am Southern bred. So, I lift my glass to you Dearest Georgia.. and say...hurry Spring..please hurry...and as I do, I remember my Aunt Kathryn and I smile. RC cola and a Moon Pie indeed.  I'm  Jus Sayin.

1 comment:

  1. I think about her often and wonder the same thing. She was a really wonderful person and I still miss her. I hope she sees us and knows our lives and is proud of us. Love you!
