Saturday, September 4, 2010

Like Nancy Reagan said...Just say NO...

I can't say no. I've tried. It starts to come out...nnnn..... and then turns out all yyyyeeessss.... I'm working on this because frankly, I'm exhausted. I am pretty much a full time student, a full time mom, and I just found out that I'm going to be room mom for my sons preschool class. I didn't know this of course, it was a SURPRISE.. An honor actually... but..still....OMGEEZZZ... because, on top of not being able to say NO ever... I have no organizational skillz to speak of. I love people.I'm a social gal. It's true... but I can't organize them worth a flip. I am the person that takes ten shifts on field day, because I'm just too tired of trying to figure out who can help. And frankly, I don't like to ask... because someone might say...NO... and then I'll be all impressed and jealous and stuff. I have decided after some very good advice to say NO to the very next thing I'm asked to do....till I get asked to do it, and then I'll cave like a three hour diet.... Anyways, my point isn't to whine. No really, it's to VENT.. LOTS of mommas out there are working twice as hard as me, but it's  because saying NO is a skill, one I'd like to have... soon, reeeeaaalll soon. So here is what I'm thinking. I'm gonna have a NO week. I'm going to say no to absolutely everything I am asked to do. Can I clean up? NO. Can I check your homework? NO. Can I cook you dinner? NO. Can I stop by the post office? Um, NO. Can I wipe your a$$?  Helllzzz NOOOO. I am thinking I'll get to around day three before I cave...but It could get reeeeaaal interesting round heah folks.... jus sayin.


  1. that's a very ambitious goal. let me know how that works out for ya.... lol

  2. How's that workin' out for ya, Room Mom? JUST SAY THE WORD. I'm learning quickly how to utter those two little letters . . . To my advantage. You CAN do this. And don't even say 'NO' you can't . . . .
