Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Soo here is the deal. I didn't take the USUAL path.. whatever that may be. I'm an odd duck. I've come to realize that it is NOT the norm to be me. I think this is OK though.. I mean.. who else am I gonna be at this point anyways? Soo... I go to college in my THIRTIES and sit in cute little desks around cute little people and to be honest... I enjoy their company. There is a certain joy to being young that I had forgotten. Somewhere in between building THE empire and making all the RIGHT decisions.. I forgot that part of happy. Young people, most of them anyways, know how to be joyful. The kind of joy before they get all knocked around by life and don't want to get out of bed in the morning... I think it makes me younger, and it certainly makes me appreciate the JOY a little more. I remember to roll down my windows and play the music loud a little more often these days... because really, life is short. Too short to be so uptight. I'm learning...

 Soo.. to my point. I have people. I have THOSE people. The people that you love, but for some reason or another say THOSE things... the things that make . you. crazy. "You look sooo tired" has GOT to be one of my faves.  Omigooodness..I hate this phrase. It means.. you look like SH*T. I know this. I am a mom of two CRAZY kids. I'm aware that my mascara runs from time to time and I have the "omigosh, if I step on a lego one more time, someone is going to PAY"  look on my face. I know. I know. I know. I try and look non- haggard when out and about, but there are DAYS. I mean those days, when you aren't sure.. you know  Reeeaaallly not sure.. if you can survive. I mean, you always do, maybe making some mistakes along the way. (I'm going to start putting money away now for the counseling I'm SURE the kids are going to need later) But.. to my point. Don't say "you look so tired " to me. It's annoying. And BTW - of COURSE I'm tired. It's like in my job description. If I looked all HAPPEH all the time.. I would be on serious medication, which I'm not ruling out.  Anyways, I know. I know I look tired. Pointing it out to me isn't the most helpful thing you can do. Offer me caffeine or alcohol...that's helping. Offer me drugs.. meds... that's helping. need to know if you do utter that dire "You look so tired" <insert sympathetic surprise face... Please expect a "Well, bless your heart" and if you are a true Southern gal.. you know what that means. I'm jus sayin.


  1. Hey Cat!! welcome to the world of blogging! I can so identify with what you are saying and enjoy the way you say it! I raise my glass of mascoto to you!! Love ya, girl

  2. You write like you talk and you make me smile!

  3. I love it! I can totally relate. :) You are the funniest person I know!
