Monday, November 12, 2012

Ain't nobody got time for dat

I Ain't got time for dat....

I sit here tonight.
I am tired for NO REASON.
I did nothing amazing.
I accomplished nothing awesome.
There was dinner.
There was homework.
There were kids.
I'm another day older and deeper in debt.
(I went shopping online... got killer boots.. but, I digress)
I wrote something witty.
I felt dull. Like REALLY DULL.
I hugged my kids, lots.
I told my kiddos that I loved them, bunches.
I failed at something, I'm sure of it.
I ate too many cheese doodles.
I looked at the scale.. and then gave that object the finger of disdain.
I cried a lil bit.
I'm a woman, I'm allowed to have no reason.
I had a reason, but it was a dumb one.
I had a glass of wine.
I had another glass of wine.
I watched a murder show.
I noticed three new wrinkles.
I quit.
I hoped that everyone I know is safe and sound.
I know there is no good way to know that.
I got sad.
I blamed folks for that.
I recognized that they were unaware that I blamed them.
I got angry at that fact.
I sat in a good pout for about thirty minutes......
and then I realized... the ultimate truth in all of it.
It was another day.
My kids are lovely.
As for IMMENSE self pity, or female hysterics....