Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Hi. I'm random.

Hello working internet! It's been YEARS.. or four days.. I don't know, I lost count. ANYWAYS.. glad everyone appears to be in one piece. No new wars, so that's good. I hear all the new TV shows are back.. I dunno... I can't be bothered to watch anything on live television anymore. Also, if it doesn't have to do with murder, I'm not that interested. In fact, if anything happens to anyone, my TIVO is going to be exhibit A in my murder trial.. and for the record I WON'T BE GUILTY BUT THAT WON'T MATTER.  I've watched enough crime drama to know that for sure.

Anyways, I'm rambling.. because... well, I'm not watching television and facebook is only getting so interesting. I got stuck on one of those mass email thingies.. No big deal, right? WRONG. You would think that the most horrifying thing someone had ever dealt with was being on a mass email. Listen, in the scale of 1(hangnail)- 10 (serious trauma).. it's a -5... so BREATHE. Don't post the thing if you don't want to post the thing.. and for GOODNESS SAKES.. BREATHE.  Or Lord help us all when the serious situation of a hangnail comes up, it's probably just a good idea to have 911 on speed dial. Just a thought.

Also, side note.. squirrels are evil. This has nothing to do with the blog, but just needed to be stated.

Ahhhh.. I feel better now.

Good Talk.
Jus Sayin.
Smile. Just because.